
psalm 97
(1) Gd - King! Will rejoice earth will have fun a lot of the island. (2) A cloud and fog around him, fairness, Justice - His throne base. (3) Fire goes before him and consumes his foes around. (4) highlights the lightning of His universe, the earth saw, and trembled. (5) Mount as wax melting LORD, lord of the earth. (6) ushers in the heavens His justice, and all peoples see his glory. (7) may be ashamed of all that serve graven images, boast of idols. Worship Him, all the deities. (8) Heard and rejoiced Tsiyon, and rejoice in thy courts daughter of Judah, the L-rd. (9) For You, L-rd, exalted over all the earth, exalted far above all gods. (10) Those who love the L-rd, hate evil! He keeps the souls of His pious, from the hand of the wicked will save them. (11) Light sown for the righteous, and the upright - fun. (12) Rejoice, righteous, Gd and giving thanks unto his holy name.
psalm 98
(1) Ps. Sing to Gd a new song, For wonders He created, He has helped his right hand and his arm is holy. (2) has made known to Gd for help of his, the sight of the nations has revealed His justice. (3) He has remembered his mercy and his truth Yisraeylya home. We saw the ends of the earth help our Gd. (4) joyfully exclaims Gd - the whole earth, open mouth, and rejoice, and sing! (5) Sing to Gd on Kinnaur, Kinnaur and to voice chants! (6) pipes and voice Shofar Blow before King Lord. (7) The rustle in the sea, and all the fulness thereof; the world and all dwelling in it. (8) The rivers shall clap their hands will again rejoice mountains. (9) before the Lord, for He has come to judge the earth. He will judge the universe justice and peoples - righteousness.
psalm 99
(1) Gd reigns! Peoples tremble. He sits on keruvami. (2) The earth. Gd in Tsiyone great, and he is exalted over all the nations. (3) Hail be thy name great and terrible - he is holy! (4) And the king of power (in) his love for justice. You confirmed the rightness, justice and fairness in Yaakove You have shown. (5) Exalt the L-rd our Gd and worship his foot - he is holy! (6) Moshe and Aharon - his priests, and Samuel - among call on his name; they called the L-rd, and He answered them. (7) In a pillar of cloud He spoke to them, they observe His commandments and law, (which) He gave them. The L-rd our Gd, (8) You answered them. Gd was forgiving you for them, and the avenger of their deeds. (9) Exalt the L-rd our Gd and worship his holy mountain: for holy is the L-rd our Gd.
psalm 100
(1) Ps Thanksgiving. Joyful shout to the Lord - the whole earth! (2) Serve Gd in joy near before him singing. (3) Find out what the Lord - this is Gd, He created us, and we - are His people and His flock. (4) Come into His gates with gratitude, into his courts - with praise, give thanks to Him, bless His name, (5) For the L-rd is good, His mercy is everlasting, and His faithfulness forever.
psalm 101
(1) Ps David. Mercy and justice will sing, You, L-rd, I will sing. (2) Look to the path of integrity - when he would come to me? With immaculate heart will go on his own house. (3) Do not put anything in the eyes of his wicked, wicked thing I hate, it will not stick to me. (4) Heart perverted from me, evil is not (want to) know. (5) secretly slanders his neighbor - to destroy it; one whose eye arrogant and haughty heart, will not tolerate. (6) My eyes - to the faithful of the land, (they reason) to sit with me on the path of purity - it will serve me. (7) shall not dwell within my house falsely, that speak lies shall not be established before my eyes. (8) In the morning I will destroy all the wicked of the earth, to eradicate from Mr. Spodnja all workers of iniquity.
psalm 102
(1) Prayers of the sufferer, when it weakens, even the LORD pours (per capita) in the complaint. (2) L-rd, hear my prayer, and let my cry come unto thee. (3) Hide not thy face from me in the day of my trouble, incline thine ear unto me; in the day when I call answer, make haste to answer me, (4) For the vanished like smoke, my days and my bones as in a fire, burned. (5) smitten like grass, and my heart is dried up, because I forgot to eat my bread. (6) From the voice of my groaning my bones I stuck to my skin. (7) I began to look like a pelican of the desert, like an owl, I have become. (8) Was I all the time, like a bird alone on the roof. (9) All day I disgrace my enemies, violence against me swear by me. (10) After the ashes like bread, I ate and mingled my drink with tears mixed. (11) Because of thine anger and thy wrath: for thou hast carried me and threw me. (12) My days are like a shadow stretched out, and as the grass dries me. (13) And You, Gd, forever will sit (on your throne), and the memory of you - from generation to generation. (14) You get up, have compassion on Tsiyonom, for the time to favor her, because come the period (15) For thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and his love to his ashes. (16) And be afraid of the people in the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth - the glory of Thy (17) For the built Gd Tsiyon (s) appear in his glory. (18) He listened to the prayer of a lonely and has not despised their prayer. (19) Recorded shall be a kind of the future, and the people who will be born, to give thanks to the L-rd (20) For he looked from the height of the holy His, Gd from the heavens looked on the ground, (21) To hear the groaning of the prisoner, untie (ties) are appointed to die; (22) To tell in Tsiyone (v) the name of Mr. Spodnja and His glory - in Jerusalem, (23) When the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms - to serve Gd. (24) He drained my strength in the way; he shortened my days. (25) I say: God is my, no lift (not destroy) me in the midst of my days - you whose years ever. (26) Once you established the earth, and the heavens - the work of thy hands. (27) they who perish, but You endure, and all of them as a dress, grow old; like a garment, you change them, and they will disappear. (28) And you - the same, and thy years shall not last until. (29) The sons of Your servants will live, and their seed shall be established before Thee,
psalm 103
(1) (Ps) David. Bless the Lord, O my soul, the L-rd. and all my insides - bless his holy name. (2) Bless the Lord, O my soul, the L-rd, and forget not all His grace. (3) He forgives all your sins, heals all your diseases. (4) It relieves from the tomb of your life, will crown thee with mercy and compassion. (5) It is good nourishes your lips, and update you, like an eagle, his youth. (6) Creates Gd fairness and justice for all the oppressed. (7) It is known Moshe (about) his ways, sons Yisraeylya - (of) their deeds. (8) compassionate and merciful Gd, slow to anger and great in it is due. (9) Do not ever argue he will not always be stored (anger). (10) Not according to our sins He walked with us and not for our transgression we paid. (11) For as the heaven is high above the earth, (as) great his mercy toward them that fear Him. (12) As far as the east is from the west, (so) has He removed our transgressions from us. (13) As a father pities sons (sic) regrets Gd fearing Him, (14) because he knows he (as) we are created, remember that we are dust. (15) Man - like the grass, his days are like a flower of the field, so it fades, (16) because the wind has passed over it - and it is gone, and its place knows it no more. (17) But the mercy of Mr. Spodnja forever on those who fear him, and his justice - for the sons of sons, (18) as keep his covenant and to those that remember his commandments to do them. (19) Gd in heaven approved his throne, and his kingdom ruled over all. (20) Bless HaShem, His angels, strong power, his word, obeying the voice of His word! (21) Bless the L-rd, all his hosts, his servants who do his will! (22) Bless the L-rd, all His works in all places of his dominion! Bless the Lord, O my soul, the L-rd!