With bp
With bp
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMRZ_SikDJ8
Mamtak le Shabbat - Exodus
ממתק לשבת - פרשת שמות - תשע"ט
Rasskazyvayut of a man who after his death was in another world, and there showed him all his life, like footprints in the sand. And then he sees two pairs of tracks, and he explains - it's your tracks and traces of the Almighty, who was walking beside you. He runs his eyes over the path of his life, and now he sees that every time he comes to the most difficult moments in their lives, one pair trace disappears and there is only one of its parameters. So he turns to Gd and said: "Something I do not understand it at the most difficult moments, you leave me ?! That's when I need You most, You leave me to go alone ?!" And Hashem smiled at him and said: "My dear son, the traces of which you see - it's my tracks When you were hard -I took you in his arms.."
This Shabbat we read in the Torah about this spectacle, when Moshe (Moses) sees here the bush is burning and not consumed. He sees some kind of a dead tree with thorns, which is on, but it does not burn, and he decides to move closer to get a better look. And Gd opens and tells him to go and take the Jewish people out of slavery. Moshe first attempts to tell the Almighty that it is not suitable for such an important position, but the Almighty says: "You have been chosen for this position and you fulfill the purpose for which you it was appointed" Then Moshe asks Hashem "If the Jews will ask your name, I answer them?"
And this is the question that Moshe Rabbeinu chose to ask Vs- Gd ?! Why would the Jews be interested in what is his name? The explanation for this is Moshe Rabbeinu says In-evyshnemu: Name a certain way defines the essence of man, and also with respect to Hashem (the translator: each name will be displayed / stresses or that its quality), and he asks him: " If the Jews ask me, the capacity in which the Almighty is now to us is? How is
it may be that we have so many years in exile, and he still gave us out of it ?! That I will answer them, "And said to him Gd"? 3: 14 And
Gd said to Moses, I will be ... how I ... "he says Gd." Tell them I'm with them now, and I'm with them also in the future. That they should not think that they mistakenly came to Egypt. This B- Divine Plan, and has been said to their father Abraham: ... because that is your seed a stranger in a foreign country and enslaved them and tortured them. All this is a Divine plan, which must be performed in order to release the sparks of holiness. "
And this is what we all need to learn for themselves. When a person is in a certain place, and it seems as it seems, that he bad there, it should be understood that this is his mission. Gd sends us to different places, in order to liberate those sparks of holiness that are there. And if we succeed in this her mission, and will be able to discover the problem, for which we are at a given time in a given place, so we will be able to reveal the goodness and mercy of the Almighty, who is with us always and anywhere. It is clear that we need to tell the Almighty, that we want to see and experience His goodness and mercy in the form of an open, rather than getting an explanation that in fact we feel bad and we have the task to execute. But, of course, that when a person falls into a heavy, difficult situation Bg forbid, he should remember that it is not just because it is there.
Let it be the desire of the Almighty, that we have received to see and experience the goodness and mercy of the Almighty in the open form, as well as full and speedy deliverance!
Source: https://www.facebook.com/chabadthailand/videos/1493301540787712
Fisherman named Michael came once into the sea to catch fish and caught in a storm. With great difficulty he managed to get to some deserted island. As time passed, he was used to living alone. He built himself a hut made of branches of trees, which served as his home and
shelter from the sun, wind and rain. Then one day he woke up at night and he was very hungry. He got into the boat and swam to fishing. Back on shore, he decided to make a fire to keep warm and dry wet clothes. Suddenly the wind blew, the fire spread on the dry branches and he had not yet had time to blink an eye, and, like his favorite hut burned down. He could not believe his eyes. After all the troubles and misfortunes that happened to him, the only thing that he had, and that burned down ?! He raised his eyes to the sky and shouted: "Why all this to me?" All that night he spent in tears. Suddenly, at around midnight, the ship appeared on the horizon, which is heading directly to the island. Delighted, he ran to meet them. "How did you find me?" He shouted to them with great excitement. He cried again, only this time tears of joy streaming down his cheeks. "What do you mean how?", He asked his commander in surprise. "You lit the big fire, signaled to us and call us for help ..."
In this week's chapter - Exodus - we read of Moshe Rabbeinu, which grows in the palace of Pharaoh, seeing all those hardships and oppression, which is subjected to the Jewish people. He had tried to help them, but he was forced to flee the country after killing an Egyptian in order to save Jews. He strongly worries about what is happening with his brothers in Egypt and how it will end for them. One day, while he was feeding the flock of his father, he otrylas strange picture: "... and he saw: and, behold, thorns burned with fire, and the thorn (fire) .... devour." (Exodus 3: 2). Blackthorn - dry bush with thorns, and here Moshe sees something unnatural, does not burn, bush, which seemingly had to burn for a few seconds. The Midrash explains why the B-sevyshny decided to appear before Moses was in the burning Damned - because, so he wanted to reassure Moses, so he was not worried about his brothers who remained in Egypt, "as well as thorns burn or burns, and the Egyptians will not be able to do anything with the Jewish people. "
In how Gd first revealed to Moshe Rabbeinu, has a message for all of us as a people, as well as for each of us individually. Throughout the history of the Jewish people saw in "... every generation stand willing to destroy us ..." (Passover Haggadah), but in the end they did not work, because "... but the Holy One, blessed be He , saves us from their hands ... "(Ibid). And every Jew should know and always remember that when something is not quite the way he had planned or is not the case, he should remember that there is One who has all
plans and controls everything, and he will certainly see to it that all was well.
Rabbi Shneur Zalman, the Baal Atan, once said that fruit trees symbolize the Torah sages, and the thorns - a symbol of ordinary Jews. Disclosure In-sevyshnego Damned shows us that in the heart of every Jew has a desire to get closer to the T vortsu, and most important task is to reveal this hidden desire, and again to recreate the link between "the thorns" (the material world) and "fire" (execution precepts vortsa T).
The better we will strengthen the bond between us and God, the better we will be able to understand the message, "The Damned", the better we will be able to see and osoznovat the good that sends us T-vorets in direct and indirect form.
Let it be the desire of Hashem to also as we have the honor to see the miracles during the Exodus, we are honored to see them upon the occurrence of a full and final redemption of speed today.
Amen 😊 Shabbat Shalom!
Translation: Uri Golberg :)