Commandment against the will
Commandment against the will
(From the "Torah" Baal aSulyama, with explanations of Rabbi Gottlieb)
Only need to know that the command allows a person to communicate with the Creator, when a person does something that is contrary to his common sense (1). And if he does that which corresponds to the request, consistent with his common sense, it does not connect with the Creator. And the difference between the ordinances performed as desired, consistent with common sense man, and the commandment, performed as a result of the establishment of Gd, is boundless! For the commandment is performed as desired, consistent with common sense man, just clip it on a human level, and he came into the world not to do - because he came into the world to a result of their actions to cling to the Creator. The same says Rabbeinu Baal HaSulam in one of his preface: "For just as the donkey was created to serve not the donkeys who are on the same level as the person who is above him, and the man was not created in order to serve the sons of Adam, are on the same level as the Creator, who is above him. "
From this we learn that when a person acts in accordance with his nature, he is not a servant of the Creator. And the fact that the street is someone called a good man or a saint, is a serious mistake, because the audience will judge only on business. But this proposition is not true knowledge, comprehend their cause. And in fact, a person who, because of his altruistic nature inherent exclusively the desire of giving and kindness, not a righteous man and did not have a good man, but just as the monkey climbs on the trees, and he is committed to what it forces him nature (2). But when the commandment against common sense man, and at the same time, he forces himself to perform it, because it is the will of Gd, then he is considered to be in communion with the Creator. Alas, but most people do not quite understand, because for the most part they do not feel left out because that does not come close to Gd, and they have no desire to do it. Anyway, enough for them to strive to create a society of people righteous and honest (3.4).
1. Of course we are not talking about things prohibited, such as suicide and so forth;
2. For example, a Hasid umot-Olam (the righteous people of the world). There is no merit in them their righteousness. After all, they act like programmed robots. Just have to "program" yudofiliyu and faith in the One God;
3. On the differences between righteousness and hasiduta - here:
4. And do not talk about the need to build a just society. After all, this is the biggest destroyers of fighters for justice, and the most just society was a society of Sodom, who lived by the rules of "mine is mine and yours is yours." So much so, that helping others and tzedakah was a crime to undermine the foundations of society and therefore punishable by death. This is what has caused the destruction of Sodom (and not a perversion, which are only derived from their beliefs). Hence it is evident that society must be upright, not fair.