Av. Part 2-I

Av. Part 2-I
Daughters of Jerusalem.
In the first part of our story about the month of Av, we discussed the sad part of this part of the year. Today let's talk about happy, comforting events this month. Remember, in the first part it was said that this month is called Menachem Av - Comforter? So..
The Jewish calendar has its Day of Love - the 15th of Av, or Tu biAv. This date is much more ancient and meaningful "Valentine's Day". And today we'll talk about it.
It is written in the Mishnah (Tractate Taanit 26.2): "the sages say that it was not such good days in Israel, as the Fifteenth of Av and Yom Kippur, when his daughter came out of Jerusalem in white robes, borrowed, so as not to embarrass those who no such clothes and the daughter of Jerusalem went out to have fun in the vineyards, and said. "The young man, turn your eyes and look at us, what do you choose yourself? Do not pay attention to the decoration, and look for a family ... "
And further, the sages taught: "The one who is not his wife, let him turn back."
"Beauty, who among them that said - turned his attention to our beauty, because his wife was created for beauty.
Notable that among them, that said? - to look at the family. Because his wife set up for children.
Rich, who among them, saying: "Take a look at those who have a lot of wealth."
Ugly, that among them, saying: "Take us in the name of Heaven and crowned with golden ornaments." And it requires clarifications.
Daughters called Sefira Malchut, which are 4 stages, and their root - Keter.
The first stage is the Hochma, which due to its elevated position called Belle, speaking that "created a wife for beauty."
The second stage is Bina. It also shows their height and the desire to be like on the properties of the Creator, to come to merge with its root, ie Creator to give light to return it to others. And this is called "family nobility", meaning that its generation ( "sons born to it"), will be of the same nature as its similarity property of the roots. And so it is written: "Notable, among them, that said - to look at the family, because his wife created for sons."
The third stage - ZA is called "rich" because it has a light recoil (Hassadim). It is called rich because happy available to him and does not want to even light of the purpose of Creation (Ohr Hochma). But, despite this, it has a small light of Hochma and he was satisfied with the existing. It is written about it, "turned his attention to the rich."
Finally, the fourth stage is the Malchut. This belief, which is called a poverty-stricken and ugly. After all, value reason and logic in this world, and the despised faith. And in general, in Malchut imposed reductions to the Light and all that she has, that's what gives it the ZA.
The power of heaven, we must assume, placing faith above reason, and this is called "faith" - faith in the Creator, no matter what the grievances and complaints of his body. Belief in the goodness of the Creator, despite the fact that the eyes tell us otherwise. Therefore, we should say: "The eyes do not see, and ears to hear" - and take all, placing faith above reason and cause.
And yet, faith cause of poverty lies in the fact that as well as give a donation to the poor, without asking anything in return, (since there is nothing to give to the poor), so must take the power of the Creator, without requiring anything in return. How to say "ugly girl" - "Take us in the name of Heaven." That is, with no expectation of any benefit and crown faith "gold jewelery" - the Torah and the commandments. *
* Gold in Hebrew - zahav that alludes to "se Av" - that the Father (ie the Creator. "
(Based on the book Schlawe Sulyam)