The "Eitan Katz Band"
As many of you may know, in addition to the CDs I release and concerts I perform, a significant amount of my time is spent at weddings I am privileged to play. From the chupa through sheva brachos, it's non-stop great, happy, and most importantly yiddishe energy.
One of the songs that has gained much popularity of recent times is the special Od Yishoma tune for after the chupa .
The following clip brings this wonderful nigun to new heights. My goal with this video is not only to show everyone how wonderful of a tune it is, but also give the viewer a general feel for how much fun it is for the band and I to be a part of these simchas. Please share this video with everybody! And let's continue bringing pure, awesome, geshmak'e music to our weddings and simchas.
Video by: Uri Westrich