"The Book of Records Tanakh"

"The Book of Records Tanakh"
The biggest - Tehillim, in which 150 chapters (but the book Jeremiah longer words - more than 21,000).
The smallest - Ovadia, which consists of only one chapter, verse 21 and 219 words.
The shortest - 117th chapter in the book of Psalms, which consists only of the two poems.
The longest - 119th chapter in the book of Psalms, which includes 176 poems
Most - in Divrei ayamim, 1, 1, which consists of only three words ( "Adam, Seth, Enosh")
The longest - in Megillat Esther, which consists of a 43-yoh words.
Shortest consists of one letter ( «ה», Dvarim 32, 6)
The longest is composed of 11 letters ( «והאחשדרפנים», Megillah, 9, 3 or «וכעלילותיכם», Ehezkel, 20, 54 or «וכתועבותיהן», Ehezkel, 16, 57).
The most common word «את», which occurs in the Tanach 11.841 times should «על» for him, which is found in the Tanakh 5,846raz, and in third place the word «כל», which occurs in the Tanach 5.504 times.