Basil: structure, benefits and properties of basil, use basil, basil recipes

Basil: structure, benefits and properties of basil, use basil, basil recipes
Basil - is an annual plant of the family yasnotkovyh - real Tsar grass, as evidenced by its very name - basil.
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) of the generic name is derived from the Greek word osme, which means "smell" and the species name - from the Greek word basilikos - royal.
In Russia, this herb can be called more "Rayhon" - fragrant.
Basil is deservedly popular as a spice in many cuisines of the world. Italian food at all inconceivable without basil.
Basil leaves different color - green color dominates, but there are varieties with purple leaves. Basil also differ in varieties smell - it may be cinnamon, mint, lemon. For example, basil Baku has purple-brownish leaves and clove mint flavor. Yerevan has basil leaves with the blue and the smell of tea and allspice. A light green leaves tends to spoon basil exude a scent of bay leaf and cloves.
If you keep the basil leaves in a glass or porcelain container, without access to air and moisture, then their aromatic properties and color they will keep until the next harvest.
The composition of basil
Basil is not for nothing called fragrant - blooming in the summer months, it exudes a wonderful aroma around him. This is possible thanks to the strong smell of essential oils, which is contained in the above-ground parts of the plant, especially in a period of regrowth greenery. Depending on the variety of basil essential oil amount can range from 0.2% to 1.5%.
Basil essential oil has a complicated structure, and it contains camphor and metilhavinol, cineol, ocimene, linalool, saponin, tannins, carotene, sugars, volatile, rutin and vitamin C, PP, B2.
One hundred grams of basil contain 2 grams of fat and 319 calories.
properties of basil
Basil - is not only spicy, but also a medicinal plant having a cleansing action.
Even in ancient Egypt, this plant was used in mummification and for repelling mosquitoes, thanks to its repellent properties.
In India, even today, this plant is considered the most sacred lotus after. It is believed that basil (in the Indian Tulsi) gives divine protection and strengthens the immune system, increases mental clarity and enhances memory, makes empathy, gives the energy of devotion and love. From the stems of basil (tulsi) make beads.
Russian folk medicine also does not neglect basil. He successfully applied in rheumatism and arthritis, headache, amenorrhea, vomiting. Decoction of basil is recommended to drink at chronic diseases of the urinary bladder or stomach. Bactericidal effect of essential oil of basil beneficial in flatulence, bloating, antispasmodic to relieve states.
Fungal infections of the skin topically using fresh juice of basil leaves.
Herbal infusion basil drink such as tea, is used for rinsing, poultices or when making use of baths.
Use basil is necessary in limited quantities. The intensity of its flavor has broken his way even in the perfume industry.
Contraindications basil
Basil essential oil should not be taken for heart disease, especially such as myocardial infarction, thrombophlebitis and venous thrombosis of the lower limbs, with poor blood clotting.
basil essential oil overdose leads to severe poisoning of this, the measure must be observed not only in the above-mentioned diseases.
On the mucous membranes basil bodies irritant.
Basil is contraindicated in pregnancy.
The use of basil in cooking
In it can be used as fresh and as dry herbs as basil. Delicate flavor and a pleasant smell has his entire aboveground part. It is important to only add it in moderation and do not overdo it, and add to the dish at the last moment - to preserve the unique flavor.
Seeds of basil can be flavored salads, drinks, soups, pates.
But fresh basil, as a spice, it is appreciated fresh. He is excellently combined with tomatoes, eggs, pasta, fish, cheese, pizza, lamb, soups and green vegetables.
In any form of basil is used in the preparation of sauces, ketchups, sauces, and various ingredients.
You can create a unique bouquet, consisting of a combination of basil with other spices. Peppery flavor is obtained from a mixture of basil and rosemary. Good coupling with parsley basil, marjoram, mint, coriander and tarragon.
Fresh basil leaves can be used to improve the flavor of vinegar, putting them in a bottle. Thus vinegar can impart savory taste of sauces and dressings.
For their own culinary needs can be grown directly on a windowsill basil.
Save aromatic properties and composition basil can be via its pickling. It is necessary to dry the washed shoots and cut into pieces no larger than one centimeter. Put in sterile glass jars, pour every 100 grams of green salt 20 grams. Pickled basil should be stored in the refrigerator.
Basil - is a mandatory ingredient of the famous Italian pesto sauce.
Italian pesto sauce
This sauce is added, not only for pasta, but also in salads, soups.
Ingredients for the sauce:
- basil leaves;
- 100 ml of olive oil;
- 8 tablespoons grated cheese (parmesan better grades);
- 7 cloves of garlic;
- 2 tablespoons pine nuts;
- to taste black pepper and salt.
For the sauce, grind the garlic and put it together with pine nuts and basil leaves in a mortar. Crush well. Then add grated cheese, olive oil, salt and pepper. Stir.
A simple salad with basil
Cut cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and cheese (mozzarella or other).
Hands shred the basil leaves.
Based on his taste, add black pepper, black olives and salt.
Salad dressed with olive oil and pour the lemon juice.
Omelet with basil
- 8 eggs;
- 1 sweet pepper;
- 1 zucchini;
- 100 grams of ham;
- 150 grams of cooked noodles;
- 2 garlic cloves;
- 3 tablespoons olive oil;
- one bunch of basil;
- to taste salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Cut the pepper in half, remove the seeds inside and cut it. Cut into slices of zucchini, cut into cubes of ham. We grind the garlic. In olive oil in a frying pan fry zucchini together with sweet peppers for five minutes. Adding to the ham and noodles, fry for two minutes more.
Separately, beat the eggs, add to them crushed garlic and salt to taste and freshly ground black pepper. This egg mass pour vegetables with ham and noodles in a pan. Cover with a lid. When the mass hardens - the omelet is ready.
Finely chop the basil and sprinkle the dish before serving.
Spaghetti with Parmesan and basil
- 100 grams of spaghetti;
- one third of the grated Parmesan cheese;
- two tablespoons of lemon juice;
- two tablespoons of olive oil;
- two tablespoons of chopped fresh green basil;
- to taste black pepper and salt.
Boil in salted water spaghetti. In another bowl we bring to a boil the lemon juice with olive oil. After we remove from heat, add salt, pepper and basil.
Spread plates of spaghetti, pour oil-lemon dressing, sprinkle cheese (parmesan or other).
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