
psalm 90
(1) Prayer of Moshe, the man of Gd. Gd, You have been the abode from generation to generation for us. (2) Before the mountains were brought forth, and you created the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting - You Gd! (3) make you a man to the point of exhaustion, and say, "Return, O children of men!" (4) For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is passed, and as the guardian of the night (a third of the night). (5) You are washed off them - they are (as) sleep in the morning as the grass disappears, - (6) In the morning it blooms and grows, in the evening fades and withers. (7) For we are consumed by anger and thy fury Thy scared; (8) Keep you before Him our transgressions (sins) of our youth - before the light of thy countenance. (9) For all our days are passed in thine anger, we have wasted years, our (fast), as the sound. (10) The days of our years - seventy years, and if strong - eighty years old, and their arrogance - vanity and lies, for they quickly flashed, and we die. (11) Who knoweth the power of thine anger? And such fears, (which suggest) Thou Thy wrath. (12) So teach us to count our days that we have got a heart of wisdom. (13) Returns the L-rd! How long? And have mercy on thy servants! (14) Nasyt us in the morning thy mercy, and we will rejoice and be glad all our days. (15) Make us glad in proportion to the days (when) you made us suffer, age, (when) we have seen calamity. (16) Yes appear before thy servants act of thine, and thy glory - the children of them. (17) And it shall be mercy of HaShem our Gd is upon us and strengthen our handiwork for us, and strengthen our handiwork.
psalm 91
(1) Living under cover of Gd in the shadow almighty dwells. (2) I will say to Gd: my refuge and my fortress - my Gd, whom I rely, (3), because he will save you from the fowler's net, from the fatal plague. (4) His Wing It will protect you, and under his wings you will find refuge, shield and armor - His faithfulness. (5) were not afraid of the horror of the night, the arrow that flies by day, (6) Mohr, walking in darkness, plague, abducting at noon. (7) will fall around you a thousand and ten thousand - on your right hand you will not reach. (8) Only with his eyes will look and reward of the wicked will see (9) For you, (said): Gd - my bulwark, the Almighty has made you his abode. (10) do not happen to you trouble, and calamity shall not come nigh thy tent, (11) Because his angels charge over thee, He - to keep thee in all thy ways. (12) In their hands they shall bear thee up, so as not to stumble on a stone thy foot. (13) On the lion and adder comes, will trample the lion and the dragon. (14) "For he loved me, and I will deliver him, I will strengthen him, for he knew my name. (15) He will call upon Me and I will answer him, be with him in distress, I will deliver him, and honor him. (16 ) longevity life will I satisfy him, and I will give him to see my salvation. "
psalm 92
(1) Ps. A song for the Sabbath day. (2) Well praise the L-rd, and sing to thy name, the Most High, (3) Proclaim the morning thy mercy, and thy faithfulness - at night (4) of ten, and the harp, the official song on Kinnaur, (5) Because that hast thou I, HaShem, thy act, matters of your hands, I am happy. (6) How sublime are your works, Gd, Your thoughts are very deep. (7) A person ignorant does not know and a fool can not understand this. (8) When the wicked grow like grass, and all the workers of iniquity flourish, (this is in order) to be exterminated forever. (9) And Thou, L-rd, exalted forever. (10) For behold thy enemies, Gd, for behold thy enemies shall perish, all the workers of iniquity shall be scattered. (11) And he carried you like (horn) Unicorn, my anointed horn, I oil fresh. "(12) And he saw my eyes (as Pali) my enemies, O evildoers who rise up against me, hear my ears. (13) The righteous like the palm tree, shall grow as the cedar in Levanon, shall be exalted. (14) are planted in the house of Mr. Spodnja, in the courtyards of our God shall flourish them. (15) Another (and) in old age will grow, become obese and juicy ( 16) to declare that Gd is just, my strength, and in him there is injustice.
psalm 93
(1) Gd - King grandeur clothed He clothed Gd, strength around his waist, and (because) approved the universe, not shaken. (2) Approved by Thy throne of old, from everlasting thou. (3) Lift the river, the L-rd, the river rose his voice, raised his river noise. (4) water loud noise of many, the mighty waves of the sea - the L-rd in the heights. (5) Certificates Your true at all, holiness befits thy house, Gd, forever.
psalm 94
(1) Gd of vengeance, the L-rd, Gd of vengeance, come forth! (2) Arise, judge the earth: render deserved arrogant! (3) How long shall the wicked, Gd, while the wicked exult? (4) rants, say arrogant, brag about all the workers of iniquity; (5) The people of thy Gd, harassed and tortured thine inheritance, (6) The widow and the stranger kill and murder the fatherless. (7) And they say: can not see Gd and Gd understands Yaakova. (8) Understand, ye simple ones of the people! And you fools, when their senses? (9) Do not hear who created the ear or eye does not see the Creator? (10) punishes the people - it (and you) will punish he who teaches man knowledge. (11) The Lord knows the thoughts of a man, (know) that they are vain. (12) Happy is the man who punishes you, Gd, Torah and their training, (13) To give him rest from the days of evil, until the pit is dug to be wicked. (14) For I do not leave the Gd of his people and his legacy will not leave, (15) Because it will return to the court of justice, and behind him - all straight forward. (16) Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will rise up for me against those who do wickedness? (17) Were it not for Gd to help me, will soon be settled in the grave my soul. (18) If I say, "staggered my foot!" - thy mercy, O L-rd, supported me. (19) When a lot of anxiety in me, thy comforts encourage my soul. (20) Will you another (sitting) on the throne of wickedness, ye that work iniquity by law (currently)? (21) Crowds gather together against the soul of the righteous, and the blood of the innocent accused. (22) But there was a Gd stronghold of me and my Gd - the rock of my protection. (23) And he gave them for their iniquity and their wickedness destroyed them, and destroyed their L-rd our Gd.
psalm 95
(1) Go to sing will Gd, shout joyfully rock of our salvation! (2) stand before Him with gratitude, with songs to sing will be to Him, (3) Because Gd is Gd great and a great King above all gods, (4) In whose hand depths of the earth, and the heights of the mountain - His; (5) To (belongs to) the sea - and he made it, and the land have done his hands. (6) Come, let us worship and bow down, kneel before the Lord, (7) our Creator, for he is - our Gd, and we are the people of his pasture, the sheep of His hand. (O), if now you have obeyed His voice! (8) Do not harden your hearts as in the provocation, in the day Masses in the desert, (9) When I tested your fathers tested me, and saw my act. (10) Forty years I got tired of generation (is), and I said: this is a people astray with their heart, and they do not know My ways, - (11) So I swore in his wrath that they should not enter into my rest.
psalm 96
(1) Sing to Gd new song, sing to Gd - the whole earth! (2) Sing to Gd, bless his name, proclaim from day to day His help. (3) Tell the nations of his glory, among all nations - His wonders. (4) For the large L-rd and highly glorified, He is terrible - above all gods. (5) For all the deities of the nations - idols, and Gd made the heavens. (6) The glory and grandeur before him, strength and beauty in His sanctuary. (7) Give unto the L-rd, the family of nations, ascribe to Gd the glory and power (His praise) (8) Give unto the L-rd, the glory - to his name, bring a gift and come into his courts. (9) Worship Gd in the splendor of holiness, tremble before him - the whole earth! (10) Say among the nations: Gd - King, and (because) approved the universe, not shaken. He will judge the peoples righteously. (11) Yes, the heavens be glad, and rejoice in the land, sea and rustle in all its fulness. (12) Yes field rejoice, and all that is in them, then sing all the trees of the forest. (13) before the Lord, for coming, for he comes to judge the earth, He will judge the universe justice and the people - his truth.