
psalm 106
(1) Aleluya! Thank Gd, for good (he), for forever his mercy! (2) Who hath the power of the Lord, proclaim all his glory? (3) Blessed are those who keep justice (and) creates fairness at all times. (4) Remember me, HaShem, in the (time) favor to your people, remember me Thy help, (5) In order to see the prosperity of thy elect to enjoy the joy of thy nation, proud (together) with thine inheritance. (6) We have sinned like our fathers, we have done wrong, lawlessness. (7) Our fathers in Egypt understood not thy wonders, remembered not the multitude of thy mercies, and they rebelled at the sea, at the Yam Suf. (8) Yet he saved them for the sake of his name, to declare His power. (9) And he cried to the Yam Suf - and it dried up, and he held them abysses, (as) in the desert. (10) And he saved them from the hand of the hater, and redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. (11) And the water covered their enemies, not one of them left. (12) And they believed his words, sang his praise. (13) (But) they quickly forgot his deeds, did not wait for his counsel, (14) and passionately desired to (meat) in the desert, and tested Gd in Yeshimone (desert). (15) And He gave them (that) they asked for, but sent travail (IOE) their souls. (16) And they envied Moshe in the camp, Aaron, consecrated by the Lord. (17) the earth opened and swallowed date, and covered the congregation Aviram. (18) lit a fire in their community, the flames scorched the wicked. (19) They made a calf in Horeyve and worshiped the cast (the idol), (20), and their glory to a bullock picture-eating grass. (21) Lost are Gd who saved them, who had done great (the act) in Egypt (22) Miracles - in the land of Ham, terrible (act) - the Yam Suf. (23) And he said that he would destroy them (and to consume them), if Moshe, his chosen (not) stood before him in the breach (stood up for the people), to turn away his wrath from extermination (them). (24) And they despised the pleasant land, did not believe his word. (25) And they murmured in their tents, not listening to the voices Mr. Spodnja. (26) And he raised his hand for them (swore) that will plunge them in the wilderness, (27) and their offspring will plunge among the nations, and scatter them in the countries. (28) And they cling to Baal Peor, and ate the sacrifices, (an offering) dead (idols). (29) And they have anger (Gd) their works, and broke out among them the plague. (30) And Pinchas stood and made a judgment, and pestilence ceased. (31) And it is credited to him as righteousness from generation to generation, forever and ever. (32) And they angered (Gd) in the waters of Meribah, and Moshe suffered because of them, (33) For they have troubled his spirit, and he spake with his mouth is. (34) Do not destroy the nations they are referred to by their Gd, (35) And they mingled with the nations and learned their works. (36) And they served their idols, and they became a trap for them. (37) And they sacrificed to demons of their sons and daughters. (38) And they shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and their daughters, whom they sacrificed unto the idols of Canaan, and profane the blood of the country. (39) And they were defiled by their deeds and actions of their sin. (40) And the anger was kindled Mr. spoden against his people, and he abhorred his inheritance. (41) And He gave them into the hand of the nations and rule over them that hated them. (42) And their enemies oppressed them, and they give their hand. (43) Many times he delivered them, but they resented (his) own decisions and were humiliated because of their sins. (44) And he saw their distress when he heard their prayer. (45) And he remembered his covenant, and repented according to the multitude of his mercies. (46) And he gave them to the mercy of their captors. (47) Save us, L-rd our Gd, and gather us from among the nations, in order to thank (us) thy holy name, be proud of your glory. (48) Blessed Gd Gd Yisraeylya, forever. And all the people say: "Ameyn, aleluya!"
psalm 107
(1) Thank Gd, for He is good, for His mercy is forever, - (2) They will say the redeemed of the Lord, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy. (3) and from the countries (different) He gathered them - from the east and from the west, from the north and from the sea. (4) Get lost them in the wilderness, on the desert road, the city's population are not met. (5) Hungry (were) and coveted, weakened shower them. (6) And they cried out to Gd for their trouble - from the needs of their He saved them. (7) And He led them along the straight road, they came to the city population. (8) Let them thank Gd for His mercies and His miracles - before the sons of men, (9) For He satisfieth the longing soul, the soul of the hungry filled with good. (10) that sit in darkness and the darkness, bound in misery and iron, - (11) Because they disobeyed the word of Gd and the decision of the Supreme rejected; (12) And he put down the heart of their suffering - they stumbled, and there is no one to help. (13) And they cried out to Gd in their trouble, and of their needs he delivered them, (14) he hath brought them out of darkness and gloom, and their bands terminated. (15) Let them thank Gd for His mercy and His wonders - before the sons of men, (16) For He hath broken doors of brass, and cut the bars of iron. (17) Fools suffered because of their sinful ways, and because of their iniquities. (18) Every soul food rejects them, and they came to the gates of death. (19) And they cried out to Gd in their trouble, and of their needs he delivered them. (20) He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them out of their graves. (21) Let them thank Gd for His mercy and His wonders - before the sons of men, (22) And thanks bring sacrifices and talk about his works with songs. (23) is sent to the sea in ships engaged on work on many waters, (24) they saw in the case of Mr. Spodnja and His miracles - in depth. (25) And he said, risen and the wind boisterous, and he lifted up the waves thereof. (26) they climbed into the sky, down into the abyss; in distress melted their soul. (27) Kruzhatsya and they stagger like a drunken man, and lost all their wisdom. (28) And they cried out to Gd in their trouble, and He brought them out of their misery. (29) he made the storm of silence, and silent waves of them. (30) And they were happy that silenced, and he took them to the desired goal. (31) Let them thank Gd for His mercy and His wonders - before the sons of men; (32) And exalt Him in the community folk and elders in the congregation praise. (33) It Turns rivers into a wilderness, and the springs of water - in the land, (34) a fruitful land - in saline, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein. (35) Turns It wilderness into a pool of water and dry land - in the fountains of waters. (36) And there he settles the hungry and they build the city's population. (37) And they were seeded fields and planted vineyards, and those bearing fruit (s) of grains. (38) And He blesses them and they multiply greatly, and their cattle he not diminish. (39) A (other) are scanty and humiliation due to disasters and sorrow. (40) He pours shame on the nobles and makes them wander in the wilderness, where there is no path. (41) But the poor man he raises on his poverty and family multiplies like a flock of sheep. (42) See Straight-forward and rejoice, and all iniquity squeezes her mouth. (43) Who is wise, let him keep it (the heart) and time-myshyaet over favors Mr. Spodnja.