Funny Carlson was right in calling the jam fuel for your body. This kind of sweet preservation supplies energy, helps to cope with colds and improves digestion
Jam called kind of dessert that is prepared by boiling fruit or vegetables (sometimes vegetables) with sugar. This kind of sweet preservation can be used as a standalone product, as well as add other dishes. Generally, jam made from one type of fruit (e.g., cherry or raspberry), but it turns out that the most delicious preservation, which are harvested from several varieties of berries and fruit (pears or apples and cranberries and blackberries). Appetizing turns and jam from fruits: usually it is used for carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, ripe tomatoes and sweet potatoes.
Who first came up with the character of children's favorite foods Carlson is not known for sure. Some historians call the national jam Desserts Russians, and his cooking - native Russian tradition. After all, the notorious tea in Russia always sweetens this canned delicacy. But in parallel, and voiced a different opinion, according to which the jam preparation was borrowed by Russians from the Finno-Ugric tribes. Whatever it was, but it is used more than a dozen years.
It is known that the "early" jam prepared with honey. There was a time when do without the bee products: fruit and vegetables simply boils down to the point where their initial volume was reduced by 7-10 times. Such sweet dish prepared without fire: it was left in the furnace-heated, the need remains level heat for several hours. By the way, the ability to make jam is very appreciated in the old days. Young girls were taught the craft as well as singing, drawing or playing the piano.
Modern recipes jam "run away" in the kitchen zealous housewives speed of light. Exotically attractive tangerine, lemon is very useful, delightfully fragrant raspberry, pumpkin luxurious and extremely gentle walnut - all recipes and do not count. But the key to a delicious jam is not only the recipe, but the technology of preparation. After all, the main difference between this type of preservation of jam is that all the components of a jam during cooking do not boil soft, and do not turn into a puree and preserved whole and tender, literally melting in your mouth. A good jam is not very thick, but not liquid, it "right" amount of sugar, which allows it to be stored longer without spoiling. And for a delicious flavor and aroma to it often add rum, zest, cherry leaves and various spices such as ginger, cloves, cinnamon and almonds.
Typically, this sweetness is added to the cooked pies and muffins, cakes and pastries. With jam with crepes, pancakes and dumplings, it spread on toast and added to tea. From it also make wine, brandy and various liqueurs.
The composition and the beneficial properties of jam
Many berries and fruits, even after prolonged cooking retain a complex of valuable substances. Rich in vitamin C jam cherry, dogwood, red or black currants serve speedy recovery from the common cold, and improve immunity for the prevention of various infectious diseases. As antipyretic can be used jam pears, which is also recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis and of renal disease, improving the quality of the blood.
Deserved love in our latitudes enjoys a fruit like apricot. It improves memory and brain function, increases the level of hemoglobin and has beneficial effects on the heart. Apricot jam useful for people suffering from disorders of the digestive functions. To improve the functions of the central nervous system and the activity of the heart is recommended cherry jam, which is also known for its expectorant and anti-infective properties.
It does not remain on the sidelines and berry preserves. Blueberry jam, for example, improves vision, rejuvenates and protects against cancers. Dish of strawberries is effective for the prevention of hypertension and constipation, and black currant jam not only helps with colds, providing an antimicrobial effect, but also the best way affects the health of the skin. Preservation sweet red currant recommended for the prevention of kidney stones.
Very fashionable was the use of exotic fruit in recent years. Jam feijoa, e.g., useful in avitaminosis and prevention of atherosclerosis, it contributes to improved performance of the thyroid gland. A jam based on immature walnuts helps restore gastric acidity and accelerate excretion of harmful substances from organisms.
This sweet product contains a lot of sugar, so abuse it is not recommended for people with excess weight.
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