Good afternoon friends!

Good afternoon friends!
Summary of the chapter "Eikev"
Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25
Moshe continues his last speech to the Jewish people, promising them that if they keep the commandments of the Torah, then they will prosper in the Land, which they are about to enter in order to settle in it, as the Almighty promised their forefathers.
Moshe also reproaches them for their sins, recalling the Golden Calf, the rebellion of Korach, the sin of the spies, and how they angered G-d in Tavier, Mas, and in Kivrot-Ataav. "You have rebelled against God," he says, "since the day I knew you." But besides this, he also speaks about the forgiveness of their sins by the Almighty and about the Second Tablets, which G-d gave them after their repentance.
Their forty years of wandering in the wilderness, says Moses, during which G-d fed them with manna from heaven, should have taught them that "man lives not only on bread, but on what comes out of the mouth of the G-d, man lives."
Moses calls the land they are about to enter "flowing with milk and honey", especially blessed with "seven kinds" of fruits (wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives and dates), a land located in the center of Divine Providence. He tells them to destroy the idols of those tribes that lived there before, and also warns the Jews not to become proud and think that "my strength and the power of my hand created all this wealth for me."
The key fragment of this chapter is also the second paragraph of the prayer "Shema" ("Hear, Israel!"), repeating the fundamental commandments listed in its first part, and talking about the reward for doing the will of the Almighty and about the deplorable consequences (famine, exile) of neglecting it. .