It was evening and there was morning
It was evening and there was morning
(Based on the book of Rabash Schlawe Sulyam. Commentary on Genesis chapter).
On what was said in the Torah (Genesis 1: 5): "And there was evening and there was morning ..." - says the Zohar (Bereshit claim 151): "And there was evening," - said about the events from the darkness, that is, Sephira of Malchut. And why Malchut is darkness? Because it is on trial - the refusal to enjoy the Light.
"And it was morning" - it comes from the Light, that is, Zeir Anpin, and why it is written about them, "day one", thus showing that both the evening and morning - as one, and together they form one day. After all, the Creator (He created light and darkness, and himself their powers) and everything is subject to purposeful management (Ashgaha Mataratit), leading to the Good.
But why is it, "and there was evening and there was morning," it said about each day, rather than once? Answer: to emphasize that there is no light without darkness and this principle covers the entire universe.
And then there's the question - why counting day begins with the evening (in the Jewish calendar, a new day begins with the sunset). As the day may be cited as the night and therefore the Darkness?
The thing is that the light can not be obtained without a vessel - ie, without the desire to acquire. Desire is due to the lack of, and the lack of light is the darkness! When a person begins to desire the Creator? When he feels the bitterness of darkness and remoteness of its imperfections. But before you feel it - his lowly status does not bother him. So without Fall (suffering from spiritual being bitterness) is impossible Wake up to the light.