THOUGHT, voice, speech

It says in the Megillat Esther (4: 3) - "And there was grief among the Jews (...) and crying and lamentation."

It explains the Doctrine Sulyam that this is the work of thought, speech and voice. When experiencing the bitterness inside, then shout without words, and then yell intelligently, enunciating the words. A Midrash Rabbah (the head of the Veethanan) details is as follows: - "There are ten types of prayer, call, scream, moan, a song, tap, the suffering, the call drop down, pleading, blandishment".

And then there is compliance with the ten steps (Sephiroth) and three Behinot - Rosh, Toch, Sof * (concept and theory, practical implementation and result). And in the Book of Esther in the Midrash Rabbah everything is on the rise. ** That is really turn to the Creator can only be relying only on Him. And for this we need to despair to get help from others.

Ask - and what a prayer is accepted ***? On what give the answer? In principle, any but the answer may be "no." The problem is not the lack of response, and our inability to hear him, to understand and accept.

But judging globally - the very fact of the Creator, and there is a positive response. After reaching out to do His will. A Kabbalistic wisdom says that the service is the answer and reward.

But until a certain time, the ego does not understand this - because as you can work for work's sake and for no apparent benefits for yourself?


* And according to Maimonides (Laws of Prayer 1.2), these three are called Behina praise, request and thanksgiving. Thanks be to the Creator and is the result of the action. After all, it is completely (and for all) justified in the eyes of the Creator created. Therefore justifieth (Matsdik) referred Righteous (zaddik);

** even a formal prayer to pronounce words, even in a whisper. That is, thoughts and wordless cry is not enough. The process must be brought to the final step;

*** Of course the Creator hears appeals on any of the language they created, in any form, composition and form established by it the same. But in the religious literature uses an incentive (eg for correction of the three lines in the case of prayer in the minyan **** when it is said that such a prayer is sure to be adopted);

**** minyan - a prayer quorum of ten adult male Jews. Also called public prayer. Society is Tsibur in Hebrew, which is an abbreviation of the three lines - Tzadik, Beynon, Rush (The righteous, Middle, Villains). Correction of the three lines is "patent" world fixes Atsilyut that at the level of prayer corresponds to the main prayer Amidah (which in its entirety can be pronounced only in the minyan. Moreover, in a number of opinions it is considered a repetition of Amida cantor public prayer).