Near Far

Near Far
(Based on the book SLAVE "Sha Schlawe Sulyam. Comm. On the head Beshalach)
Read chapter Beshalach: "... and not led by the Creator of the earth plishtim, because this path is shorter, not to the people feared the sight of the impending war and returned to Egypt."
What is bad short road leading to the exodus from Egypt? It would seem on the contrary rather good come out of the state of filth ..
In the Talmud, in the tractate Iruvin said on behalf of Rabbi Yehoshua ben Hanania: "One day I was walking along the road and met a child sitting at a crossroads I spoke to him." Which way goes into town, my son? "He said to me:" This - long and short, and this - short and long. "it turns out that there is a difference between the road" near and far "and" near and far ".
First, we note that the word denotes a road here Correction (it is the same approach to the Creator).
Close the road - this is something that is close to our heart. That is what love is our selfishness. He agreed to allow us to disturb the peace, for the sake of action that promises more fun than staying alone. And that observance of the Torah and commandments for themselves. Even though it is close to our ego, but it is far from the true purpose. A "fearing war" - ie, difficulties to overcome selfishness, easily "return to Egypt" - to leave any work at all and fall into a completely Selfishness. And this is called the path of suffering (Derech Isurin).
And there is a way to "distant and near." It is far from the desires of our ego, but it is close to the Will of the Creator. This is the Way of the Torah (selfless service).
Why are commanded the Second Passover for those being on the road or in a state of ritual impurity could not make the Passover on time? Obyaseenie similar to what has been said above. On the "close" region can be of the impurity (ruled desires Egoism) and does not make Pesakh (i.e., the output of impurity Egoism). But being in a "far way" - far from the ego impulses may still be awarded Exit.