What is the distinguishing feature of science and religion? Where is the line beyond which their conflict start? Why die degrade science and religion? Several provisions in the example of Judaism.

1. Religion is based on faith. Its object - spirituality. This is so for one reason only: With the properties. How infinite spirituality, and faith is boundless.

Spoken only to the conventional systems of concepts related to religion (the concept - this is what causes bewilderment in all members of a group). For example: halacha (everyday consumer law) or the terminology of certain sections of religion (the language of Kabbalah Haggadah etc.). Such knowledge is not an end in itself, but at the same time is necessary as part of techniques to achieve the Faith. They are not directly related to the transformation of personal qualities. Although the purpose of religious practice is precisely such a transformation.

But now the "religious knowledge" is in the form of comprehension, which is based on personal experience only. For others - it is again a matter of faith - this time in the words of the wise. In this comprehension is closely linked to the process of transformation of personal qualities. Therefore, the region Vera and comprehension may be conditionally expressed using a pseudo-concepts. As opposed to faith and knowledge, and religious consciousness of the material opposite logic.

A very important point in religion - an idea of the unity of the whole, and is identically unity of life and livelihood. While science has focused on diversity (fragmentation, which is the basis of matter and its extremity). Religious consciousness is inextricably linked with the notion of fundamentally unknowable things.

Among the main problems of religion are the following: the materialization of spiritual concepts and the hoax material. This gives rise to the phenomenon of "obscurantism", which are a product of insufficient representation of people about their outlook.

Returning to the conventional knowledge in religion, it should be noted another paradox (from the point of view of logic): the philosophy of religion and philosophy refers to knowledge, while the scientific philosophy - a relative thing, a pseudo-conceptual, partly even speculative.

2. Science is based on knowledge (that is, the fact that is confirmed by constantly repeating the results of the experiment). In this sense, a significant part of science - no more than a speculative philosophy. As the actual philosophy, psychology, history and other kind, not to mention things like futurology, alchemy, etc..

(Curious phenomenon of historical science and history as such - history very often "written" and changes in the present and the future).

Of course, the subject of science is the material world (the final, fractional). The main instruments - logic, experiment, hypothesis (there is a doubt that it is a scientific method - in fact it's something unconfirmed hypothesis, pseudo-conceptual). True science - conceptual thing. An important caveat - the acquisition of scientific knowledge has nothing to do with the transformation of the person and its properties. And what's more - it does not put the purpose.

The main problems of science:

- the belief that everything can potentially be studied and understood. This is absurd, since it refers to the faith, but not in knowledge;

- acceptance of the hypothesis of knowledge (such as Darwinism or the theory of relativity);

- attempts to explore the spiritual (not conceive) by using scientific methods. Classics of the genre - attempts to prove or disprove the existence of Gd, the soul and other intangible categories.

A few abstracts. Vera corresponds with the impact, and to obtain a spoken. But a single individual (and society in general) can combine faith (and its concomitant spiritual attainment) with scientific practice. And this is a normal differentiation, allowing not fall into any obscurantism nor irreligion.


The link - interesting course B.Shapiro "theory of religion."