(Based on the book Shamati. Maamar 160.161)

It says in Tore, chapter Mishpatim (Ex 23: 7) - "pure (innocent) and the just (right) does not kill." Direct meaning here - the principles of justice. And the inner is that you can not refuse ( "kill") from one of the lines in the spiritual work.

Right, righteous (Tzadik) is the one who justifies (matsdik) Creator. That it is believed that all the work of the Creator is good. This is the right line.

Pure, innocent (Naki) is the one who judges only by what his eyes see. And it left line. And not from one of them you can not refuse.

And then there's this Mashal. A man building a house, build a wall. This is a hint for the right line, which is the joy and love. But if you do not leave openings in the walls (Halal -. Lit. Void), he can not enter into the house. A Halal (void hole in the wall) indicates the left line, which is the supreme thrill of the Creator (Yirat Hashem). Thus, out of work in the two lines, you can not come to perfection (full and eternal love for the Creator). And there are a lot of hints on this schema.


And this is one of the mysteries of the letter Bet. It represents the three walls of the house, in which instead of the fourth wall - opening. Beth letter - a letter, which begins with the Torah, the instruction to achieve Love.