(Based on the book Schlawe Sulyam. At the head of Ki Tisa)

Chapter tells Ki Tisa Wh how the Creator turns to Moshe Rabbeinu, saying - "you shall see My back, but My face is not visible."

Operation and upliftment of the inverse of the understanding of man. Man realizes that with the fact that every time his recovery will take place on the stage, he will reach the perfect goal. However, the Creator understands differently, because if the person was on the rise, you would think that he is already perfect. That is, he would not see any shortage in their work, and then he would have remained at the level of the inanimate, do not like to climb on. And the evil that is in him by the desire to receive for himself, he would not have felt as evil, because he would not have seen that it prevents him to engage in Torah and Mitzvot.

It turns out that the greater the fall, the man given by the Creator, the more the desire to rise and the more effort a person makes. Therefore, even though it falls, but in fact it is lifting.

"You will see my back; but my face is not visible." "And see" the words are explained as follows: if a person wants to achieve the "vision", ie opening the eyes of the Torah, it can not qualify for this during the ascent, when he sees that he shines the Torah and the commandments, and when he gets satisfaction. He wants every time he had a higher level, as it usually happens in material things. There is every time a person sees that he adds, and strives to achieve what he needs. And so it turns out that there are always people on the rise, referred to as the "face".

But in the spiritual opposite. It is from the "rear" (conditions that do not shine - ie fall), when each time reveals an increasing measure of it evil in the desire to receive for oneself, which prevents a person to achieve the goal, he can get help from the Creator. After all, only in the states in which feels genuine desire, can get pleasure.