What image arises in the minds of people when they hear the word "Jew"? Jews do not work on Saturday, do not eat pork, wear a stack of .. (violin, chicken, trade - it is only then).

Bale - the national men's headdress of the Jewish people.

It is a circular (or knitted sewn fabric) cap covering the top of

It can be worn alone or under a top hat. Sometimes it is attached to the hair barrette. There is a great variety of styles and colors for the bales.

The word "pile" hints at a cover or dome (for comparison Kipat Barzel - Iron Dome). Quite often it is also called skullcap. There is a theory that the word comes from "yare Malka" (trembling before the King - that is, before Gd).

Nowadays pile are not only of religious or traditional (masoratim) Jews. Her dress and secular - in prayer, weddings, funerals, mourning seating (shiva), etc. *.

What is the value of the bales in Judaism? Halacha - everyday practical Jewish law, based on the Torah **, contends that the Jew must be different from the representatives of other peoples around. Including clothing. Bale just fit this rule, although there is a separate commandment of wearing it. It belongs to the category of so-called "Minhagim Klal Yisrael" - the customs of all the people of Israel, which obliges observant Jew ***.

And what says about the piles of Kabbalah - the inner part of the hidden Jewish teachings? Bale corresponds with masah (Screen). This Kabbalistic term means to overcome the force. On the physical level, I think there is no need explains what it is. A global - it is when they receive light of the purpose of creation is correct - that is, not for themselves, but in order to do the will of the Creator. We are not just talking about the fact that it can be compared to the pleasure derived from the fact that to make a pleasant and good to someone very close, dear and beloved. This enjoyment is not deemed to be received, because at the forefront here - altruism, the desire to bring the Good.

Kip is worn on the head. In the language of spiritual concepts, Head (Roche) is the theoretical calculation. Kip-Masach at the "head" is a fully refined design, which not only acts, but also to themselves thoughts are pure (devoid of selfishness).

A small addition: Galaha also cautions against to extend ama 4 (about 2 meters) uncovered. 4 ama (elbow) hint at 4 stage (Behina), present in all Wh in our desires and aspirations.


* Whenever I mention the names of the Creator. As the bale can use a cap, baseball cap, etc. - in case the Jew is in a place where wearing national clothes can cause aggression on the part of local residents;

** Leviticus 18:13 - "Do not follow their laws." Leviticus 20:20 - "I drew you from other people," etc .;

*** Other examples of such practices - Shabbat candles in women and girls.