It is written in the Torah, Genesis chapter: "And he said unto him, I am - God, who brought you to give you the land in possession." It is known that we are talking about the exodus from Egypt and the arrival in the Land of Israel.

As we learned earlier, Land (Eretz in Hebrew) indicates the desire (Ratzon). Israel - Yashar is Leelo, in another reading, ie the right to Gd. Thus Israel is called Earth desire for the Creator, the desire to catch up with him on the quality (ie, impact). The land of Egypt, Eretz Mitzrayim - the opposite of the Earth of Israel, that is, the desire to receive for oneself, self-love. Mitzrayim (Egypt) is translated as two gorges. Egoist suffers twice: in order to satisfy his desires, he is forced to come out of dormancy, and this brings suffering. But if he decides to stay alone, it will suffer from the non-fulfillment of their desires.

Thus, the Exodus from Egypt to the Land of Israel, is a complex of patches aimed at the transition from egoism to enjoying altruistic desires and actions. Pay attention to the phrase in the Torah, quoted earlier in this article. It does not say "take the land itself," but said "Gd brought you to give this land." This means that even though commanded to make an effort to actually change from selfishness to altruism only in the hands of the Creator.

Taught by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi, the author of the Zohar book): "the best of the people of the world of me, the best among the snakes crush the head".

Anti-Semites often cling to the ice, trying to make it look as though that would seek to destroy the Jews of the best non-Jews. But in fact, this phrase has no literal interpretation.

But its true meaning. When Moses led the people away from Egypt (in other words, from egoism to bestowal), who ran after them "on the six hundred chariots"? It is written in the Torah that the livestock of the Egyptians died out completely during the executions.

The sages explain that the Jews persecuted those of Pharaoh's servants who feared the Creator. In other words, those who are aware of a single law, but wants to use it for their own needs - ie, is Pharaoh.

We interpret it at the domestic level - at the level of desires and feelings of each of us. The servants of Pharaoh, the snake, the goyim - all this is the desire to keep the commandments and traditions in order to receive a reward or avoid punishment. Not out of love for who gave the law, and for the sake of self-interest. And so that's wishes and advises midrash "crush his head". It should be clear: not for nothing is mentioned the "head" (as in the Torah verse, saying, "you will strike (the snake) in the head) The head is the smallest egoistic desire (and heel - most) It is impossible to overcome all egoism, so it is correct gradually -.. starting with the smallest desires And then the Creator leads us to the "slaughter" of selfishness -. to complete correction.


For righteousness' sake, we note that at the level of society have their snakes and the servants of Pharaoh. This is essentially the mainstream, balaboysy (commoners). Although they are Jews by birth, but in the spiritual sense - the goyim. As said "all what they do, do for yourself." But of course we are not talking about physical violence. Simply correcting himself, he corrects his part in others. But Gd forbid trying to fix others, do not fix it himself - because then the fault peremnozhatsya ..