bitter herbs

(Based maamar Rabbani Ashlag)

One of the commandments associated with the Seder, there is a commandment Maror (bitter herbs). The simple explanation is that: celebrating the Exodus, we remember the bitterness of slavery. But of course, that this commandment have a hidden meaning.

Written in the book (Ariza "A / Chaim Vital) Sha'ar Kavanot (Gate of Intentions): Maror (Mem-Reish-Vav-Reish) of gematria is equal to the word death (Mavet - Mem-Vav-Tav, gematria 446) is necessary. to eating the maror, the man tasted bitter, but if you just swallowed it, it did not fulfill the commandments. the Egyptians (ie selfish aspirations) did not want to give the people of Israel (intention to bestow) get out of its control, that man remained in stage of the wicked (egoist), in his lifetime had called dead. * it turns out that it's not just the bitterness, and the present stage of death.

The notion of hard work **, where to taste bitterness is felt that the taste of death - that worked for their own benefit. It is when a person comes to a state of ascent, called the state of life and wisdom, then he must "chew maror", to get a taste of bitterness, because only during ascent can feel what Maror, ie What is the taste of fall (to understand how it is bad compared with LIFTING).

Those. it is impossible to feel the real taste of life *** and Light, if not taste of death and darkness. It turns out that Maror mitigated the rise, when through the darkness, which is a fall, we feel the desire for light and its taste.


* Selfish desires are called dead, because the opposite of life life - the desire of the Creator (ie, the desire to give);

** work to yourself is hard twice. To get something, you have to make an effort to get out of dormancy, that already is causing suffering. But if you do not do this, the suffering of the sparsity of desires;

*** it refers to the spiritual life, which is actually called Life;